🧭 Mission

Improve the world’s most important organizations

Use feedback to make the world’s most important organizations (those that serve vulnerable people) 1% better thereby making a huge impact on the lives of vulnerable people around the world.

🔭 Vision

We’re working to give voice to the vulnerable and marginalized and empower the people who serve them with not just data - but information that allows them to act to make things better. We’re building tools to help organizations utilize the feedback loop to make the world a better place.

The feedback loop is at the core of everything we do. We don’t just attempt to automate it with technology but we do all we can to help organizations implement a positive feedback loop into their processes.

The feedback loop is at the core of everything we do. We don’t just attempt to automate it with technology but we do all we can to help organizations implement a positive feedback loop into their processes.

Yeah… but how?!

By automating as much of the feedback loop as possible we allow service providers to ask, collect, analyze, implement, and notify without taking significant time away from their day to day task of helping people.

Over time, our solution will evolve from one that just gathers feedback and places it into dashboards to one that helps suggest actions, tracks those actions and provides ways to communicate back to those receiving services what steps are being taken to improve.

Finding the lowest common denominator

Eventually we intend to have our tool be the defacto choice for any group that provides services in a ‘power disparate’ environment.

To do this we’re starting with the most vulnerable groups with the assumption that the tools and best practices that are created to help those groups will be able to help other groups just as effectively as we move out what we call the ‘vulnerability spectrum’.

Current Focus

Currently we focus on Homeless Service Providers and Mental / Behavioral Health Facilities, once we feel like we’ve have a monopoly in a market it becomes our signal to move up the spectrum and add another group of vulnerable individuals and their service providers to the Pulse family.

The vulnerability spectrum is something we use to explain our vision. The graphic is not meant to be a complete list but a sampling of vulnerable groups. There are many missing vulnerable groups including refugees, domestic violence survivors and affordable housing groups that we serve along the way.

The vulnerability spectrum is something we use to explain our vision. The graphic is not meant to be a complete list but a sampling of vulnerable groups. There are many missing vulnerable groups including refugees, domestic violence survivors and affordable housing groups that we serve along the way.

The way that we capture feedback might radically change over the years. But our commitment to providing a safe and easy way to gather feedback will not.

The way that we capture feedback might radically change over the years. But our commitment to providing a safe and easy way to gather feedback will not.

Need for Anonymity

The quest to gather feedback from vulnerable individuals has led us to some interesting and profound understandings. One of the most influential is the need for true anonymity when gathering feedback to provide a psychologically safe enough environment to unlock the authentic and unsuppressed feelings of those whose feedback you seek.

Reducing the burden

Another understanding is the enormous burden placed upon service providers across human services. As such our solution needs to not only provide real value but importantly decrease the work required by the individual heroes keeping providers afloat.

What the future holds

The future is a plug and play feedback system, utilized by every major human service provider, that collects and analyzes feedback; Recommends change and action plans; Compares organizations and suggests actions that have worked for other similar organizations all the while reducing the workload of Earth’s mightiest heroes.*

<aside> ❤️‍🩹 *Earth’s mightiest heroes are those that serve others.


⚖️ Values

Less but better


"Less but better" encapsulates our philosophy of intentional selectivity in our endeavors, ensuring we allocate our energy, time, and resources to excel in chosen areas rather than spreading ourselves too thin.